• Parish Sales Business Overview

    Justin trusted me to document his business overview video in order to take his business to the next level.

  • Renew Health Chiropractic Business Overview

    As a videographer for The DCTree, I had the opportunity to document the business overview video of Renew Health Chiropractic. I trust all my website needs to The DCTree. If you need any web development done, contact me and I'll connect you to them.

  • Kim & Jeff Wedding Video

    Kim & Jeff are a wonderful couple who had me along on their wedding day. I provide all my wedding coverage in a partnership with Rhythm Management. Contact me for more details.

  • Duffles of Love Short Facebook Video

    With Facebook advertising becoming more prevalent. Come up with a short video that's optimized for shares!

Explore my YouTube playlists for a full run-down of my work: